Go Freight Express

Mission And Vision

Always on Time

Go Freight Express Florida

Our Mission And Vision

What needs does Go Freight Express look to fulfill in the trucking industry? Go Freight is customer based service, we specialize in on time freight Pickup and delivery services.

Where do you see the company in 5 years as it relates to fulfilling clients’ needs? Within the next 5 years, I see Go Freight expanding into logistics and integrating into inter-model by handling everything from the start of the freight, to the delivery of that freight with state of the art tech knowledge and tracking abilities, so customers will know where their freight is at all times.


Fast reliable service

Go Freight Express Florida

What is the purpose of the company? The purpose of Go Freight Express is to move freight in a timely and professional manner. Making every customer feel like they’re our only customer, Go Freight will specialize in 1 on 1 customer relations.

What does this company have that sets it apart from others? The thing that sets Go Freight apart from others companies is our One on One customer service. We believe that the customer service is the foundation of our company. We believe that with us being a smaller company, that enables us to have a more personal and special relationship with our customers…

  • Personal interaction with our customers
  • On time freight delivery and pick up services.
  • State of the art tech knowledge to track and deliver freight with guaranteed customer satisfaction…